The thought of having a perfectly toned body or fitting into your favorite clothes has given us stress at some point in our lives. Then there are models and actresses practically everywhere be it television, newspaper or magazine shaking our confidence about the way we look. What people tend to ignore in the desperation to look slim is that there lies a huge difference in dieting and eating right. It is not just what we eat and how much we eat that result in those hideous bulges it is actually a number of factors about our lifestyle put together. We start exercising, cut down on intake of fat or even starve ourselves at times but what we do not think about is that kind of routine cannot be practically followed forever. So, the moment we go back to our normal routine, enters the flab again. The main fact that most of us miss while trying to lose weight is that counting calories all your life is practically impossible. So, the sensible thing to do would be take small, steady and right steps. The biggest trick in weight loss which we forget to pay attention to is that the importance of a 5-10 minute exercise than a 1 hour workout. Moreover, a short span of exercise has better chances being a part of our routine than a longer duration. Secondly, most weight loss programs ignore the importance of right breathing. Deep breathing done intentionally for sometime or as a habit greatly affects our metabolism level. We must have read endless number of times to increase water intake to lose weight. But, loosing excess fat also depends on the timing of water intake. Studies show that drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before taking a meal helps digestion and intake of water when you wake up is good for internal organs. Lastly, try not to drastically change your sleeping hours. This implies to the span of your sleep as well as the time of your sleep. Also, take help of any factor to decrease stress be it catching up with old friends or going on a small trip. Nothing works better for health than staying happy. Avoid being impatient, remember it is years of excess weight that you are getting rid of so, go slow with the process to make it a part of life permanently. Weight Lose Crazy - Get your body back into shape, the right foods can burn fat. You will lose weight crazy without putting a burden on the organs in your body. |