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Using Positive Thinking For Depression

Friends: "Above all else, guard you heart for it's the well-spring of life"

I remember telling an associate this quote once and his response (this from a 'straight out the tough streets of Chicago' guy) was: "That is deep...!"

He was going through a depressing situation of his life and was discussing it with me, we talked about methods of overcoming depression and I thought of that verse. Yes, folks it's a verse from the Bible, and it is one of the most powerful ones that can be affirmed or repeated for overcoming depression through one's thoughts.

With the several side-effects associated with synthetic drugs for treating depression, it is quite necessary to say seeking alternative methods of depression treatment will be more than adequate and wise for overcoming depression. One of these alternatives is changing one's thinking (and speaking) habits about life and its challenges.

As its name suggests, positive thinking is a habit of accepting first that there are problems and challenges we may be facing, but in order to overcome them to avoid the inevitable depression that may result, we must think with the mind-frame of success and victory in mind. When using this for overcoming depression and our challenges, it involves forcefully saturating our minds with positive thoughts and affirmations in the aim of overshadowing the negative pessimistic thoughts about the depressing situations.

Always seek the good out of every situation and this at times may require some real action on our parts. Analyze the problems, ask why it may be happening, what you may have done to provoke or not prevent it from occurring, your options of being able to fix it and who you may have to turn to for help.

Seeking spiritual guidance and help while using positive thinking for overcoming depression, is also a great suggestion. As overlooked as the Bible may be in the present ages (or religion/spirituality period), it does contain a lot of helpful affirmations one can repeat mantra-like in thoughts and speech and with the right attitude, you almost inevitably find the answer to your problems. Is this quackery or magic? No. Your thinking process creates your world. Remember: "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he..."

Other things to keep in mind when using positive thinking for overcoming depression are to employ the proven methods of a proper diet and exercise to create a healthy body and consequently a clearer and healthier mind which will be more capable as a consequence for overcoming depression.

Will positive thinking always work? It will be safe to say, like with anything else, you will only get out of it what you put into it. However, with the right attitude and mind-frame, it sure will beat overcoming depression through a bunch of harmful drugs.
Do keep in mind though, it is the first step (thinking right that is) to solving a problem. Moreover, as far as problems in life remember in the words of Charles de Gaulle: "Difficulties attracts the man of character because it is in embracing it that he realizes himself!"

Life's problems should act as spur for action not running away from them. Considering this, positive thinking obviously is the first step to ensuring that you make the right move for overcoming depression and challenges in life.

According to your faith (thoughts and actions), be it unto you.

To read about neck cramp and leg cramps while sleeping, visit the Cure For Cramps site.
Category: Articles | Added by: forex_s (2010-01-18)
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