Is making real money online a form of hype? Or can it really be true? How do people get paid online? All this aside, I feel that a more important question we should ask is: “Can we get rich online?” I had the privilege of meeting some friends who are making some money off the net through paid advertisements in their websites. The truth about making money online is: you have to be prepared to do a lot of work, take a lot of risks, be willing to make mistakes and you must know how to grow a business. I found out that earning a little bit here and there is not difficult, but if that is all we achieve, we might as well find a more decent job offline. Over the years of its evolution, the internet has evolved into a virtual marketplace where transactions are done every day. There is money floating all over (like the content), just that into whose pockets it flow. There are many different ways a person can siphon money from the Web monster: 1. Affiliate marketing 2. Email marketing 3. Blogging 4. Advertising 5. Membership sites 6. Social Media marketing 7. Flipping websites …just to name a few. “Can we get rich online?” If you know where the sources are and how to tap into them, chances are you will experience an income explosion more quickly. I have come across a number of people who made big bucks from some of the methods describe above. In the internet game, money does not make you wealthy. It is the right kind of information that will make you succeed, and the right kind of information that will shorten the path. The possibilities out there are endless. The point is not to do everything at once. Focus on one thing and perfect it. Choose the right method for yourself and master it, then you can consider moving on. If you have no idea where to begin, then check one of these resources that I am currently using at Be open-minded, and stick to what is best for you. |