If someone would want to enter animal raising business, why choose raising ducks? And how do you raise them? Many animal farmers are now considering raising ducks instead of the more popular counterpart, the chicken. This is because raising them is less expensive. Ducks are also more resistant against extreme weather. And they lay yummy eggs. Ducks are the considered one of the most climatic condition stable of the avian species. Their housing needs not be elaborate, just a simple dry and sheltered house. They can eat a wide variety of feeds and are resistant to several diseases. They also mature fast, starting at 4 months. Mature ducks of the Pekin breed, the most popularly raised in the Unites States, can weigh up to 11 pounds. That is a good source of duck meat and profit too. More than 20 million ducks are raised yearly in the United States. Though they may be raised for egg laying, they are primarily raised for their meat. 90 percent of duck meat eaten in the US is from one breed alone, the Pekin duck. Note that even if they lay large and nutritious eggs, raising ducks for meat is preferred because they require more egg-laying feeds compared to chicken. Houses for raising ducks can be made with light materials like wood or bamboo. The required condition is that it should be kept dry so that bacteria growth will be minimized and the temperature remains warm enough. Keeping the shelter dry is usually done by spreading corn cobs or peanut hulls on the flooring. It is advisable to build the shelter near a stream so that the ducks can swim and exercise. Another interesting phenomenon is when new ducks, say previously from another cage or yard, are introduced in another group of ducks. There is an observed pecking order among ducks and this can get vicious at times. However, the "ritual" will subside. Owners must watch out if the new ducks are being too deprived of food and water. That means new food containers and water pans should be made available. If a raiser choose egg-laying as his/her central business, then the trade is not much of selling the eggs for food but for hatching them and selling the ducklings later. Embryos develop in the egg in about 28 days at 95 degrees Fahrenheit and up to 75 percent humidity. |