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"What Every Parent Ought To Know About Their Aspergers Child

"What Every Parent Ought To Know About Their Aspergers Child........."

Dear Parent,

If you’d like to understand how your Aspergers child really sees the world, how you can cope with all their behaviors and how you can keep the peace in your family home then this could be the most important letter you ever read.

Here’s Why:

We have spent a great deal of time asking parents like you what your biggest problems are when parenting a child with Aspergers syndrome.

We have developed solutions to these problems using the knowledge and experience of our expert team made up of parents, professionals, carers and other specialists.

Now, I know you're probably sceptical about this.

There are so many websites with so much information out there that you don’t know who to believe.

That's OK in fact it’s normal and healthy.

Let me give you three good reasons I can back up what I claim:

Three Reasons To Believe What I Say

Reason 1: My name is Dave Angel and I am a social worker with over 11 years real life experience in the field working with families just like yours and a Masters Degree in Applied Social Studies.

Over the past eleven years I have worked with hundreds of families who have had children with special needs (both young and old) and have a special interest in Aspergers.

I am the author of the “Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide” E-book which is a guide for parents of children with Asperger's Syndrome that I wrote recently

....... and the last time that I checked I have had 39,668 parents and family members of Aspergers children visit this website for help.

So I am confident that this experience means that I will be able to understand you and your own personal situation and offer you clear and practical help to improve it.

Reason 2: I have got a great team with me that have helped to develop the solutions to the many problems that you will face as a parent with an Aspergers child.

The team that has helped me is made up of many different experts such as Social Workers, Parents, Clinical Psychologists, Educational Psychologists, Speech-Language Pathologists, Autism Specialists and Special Needs Teachers.

These experts come from all over the world including Europe, North America and Australia.

In particular I have a UK Chartered Educational Psychologist (who received her Masters in Psychology at the University of East London) and who has more than 20 years experience as both a Special Needs Teacher and Educational Psychologist.

She is working with me on behavioral and psychological issues for Aspergers children and their family.

I also have a medical doctor from the USA (who received her Medical Doctorate from the University of Minnesota) who has more than 15 years experience in medicine and who works with me on the medical side of Aspergers.

Between them my team have literally hundreds of years of experience of working with thousands of families with Aspergers children.

With this wide range of experience and understanding you can be sure that you will get solutions to your problems that will be both thorough and proven to work in real life.

Reason 3: I have carried out extensive research with over 100 families across the world to find out your biggest problems with bringing up your Aspergers child.

The funny thing is that even though people may be from different parts of the world, they are often experiencing the same kinds of problems......

And you can find out more about these common problems as you read on below......

I thank you for taking the time to read this short report
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Category: Articles | Added by: forex_s (2010-02-18)
Views: 182 | Rating: 0.0/0
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