An effective marketing website starts with a good landing page. A landing page is any page on a website where visitors are directed to after clicking on a link (usually from an outside source like ads) to prompt a certain action (usually to buy products or services). And a good landing page turns traffic into money. If it fails to make visitors carry out this desired action, this landing page is deemed worthless. Thus, it is imperative that this page be designed not only with accessibility in mind but must also be well organized that visitors will make the desired action. The following are effective tips on creating that effective landing page: Make it easy on the eyes. A landing page that works is easy to read and does not have colors that hurt the eyes. Use simple font styles and the correct size for your readers. Arial, Geneva, or Helvetica are the best fonts to use while 10- to 12-point fonts are the best sizes to use for body text. Also, allow enough spacing between lines and avoid using text in all capital letters. High contrast between background and text makes a page more legible. The best combination of colors is black text on white background. A landing page must be easy to navigate and user-friendly. A complicated interface will turn off visitors and leave without making the desired action. Information must be well-written and organized. All data on the page must be consistent, clear, and address the needs of the reader. It must be presented into a number of digestible chunks. A good landing page must be tolerant to user errors. It must present helpful and meaningful alternatives when a user makes a mistake like pressing the wrong button, etc. A good page establishes rapport with the visitor. It should make them feel comfortable while they are visiting. Also, a good landing page exudes credibility and professionalism. Make sure that the look-and-feel of the page as well as the editorial voice is appropriate for your audience. Follow these pointers and you will reap the rewards of an effective landing page. |