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How To Treat Acne By Controlling Your Diet

Diet is something that many doctors say is not important in acne treatment. They say this about many diseases that you have. Doctors say that acne will not be helped with nutrition. However, we know that correct nutrition plays an important role in acne treatment.

Many acne suffers can tell you that their acne actually did become more severe when they ate certain foods. When they removed the same foods from their diet there was an improvement. So why do some doctors insist that acne and diet are not related?

The truth is that the powerful drug companies want to make us dependent on their lotions and other medications. These companies give doctors free trips and other benefits by promoting their drugs. The doctors get recommendations from these companies of what is the best new super cure to promote and given incentives to do so.

By improving your diet it may cure your acne, although not all people will be helped by diet alone. The drug companies do not make any money if all people first considered the cause of their problem to be incorrect nutrition. Nutrition being a powerful medicine in itself. A powerful solution to the treatment of acne and many other diseases of civilization. In many cases, dramatically improving and clearing acne all together.

The medications of the drug companies do not treat the cause of the disease. They simply treat the symptoms by using creams and lotions. This type of treatment will only give you some relief, not a long term cure. Quite often you become dependent on the medications.

Many doctors believe that acne is a genetic or heredity disorder. Therefore there is no cure for acne in their thinking. Thereby applying lotions and taking medications is only a temporary quick fix to get people coming back for more.

Recent studies have shown that diet and acne have a high connection. It has been studied that a diet rich in processed food overloads the systems of the body with toxins. These toxins stay in the body causing distress to the system and some are eliminated via the skin, which is the largest organ of the body. Diet is important! You can not put sugar into your car as fuel. Well, why do we eat processed rubbish the causes a toxic dump in our bodies. What do you think this does over time? Over time this manifests itself into diseases of civilization. Acne being one of many chronic conditions that manifests itself from the toxic sludge the builds up in the colon. Not to mention the overloaded liver and endocrine system, the distressed pancreas, and the overworked kidneys to name just some of the effect processed food in our diets has on our health.

Studies of different isolated communities have shown that they do not have acne. The reason being they are not subjected to processed food. Their diets consist of healthy basic food groups without all the chemicals. This results in a body functioning in the best possible way without being overloaded.

The sugar we consume has no nutritional value. The milk we consume is loaded with hormones and other chemicals that cause confusion for our body. Not only that in leaches calcium from our bones. It is not the best choice when it comes to calcium. Many other foods that are loaded with preservatives and artificial colors are causing a severe reaction with many people.

Diet does cause acne! The treatment of acne can be obtained by controlling your diet. Do not believe the so called experts in the medical profession, step outside the box and begin to feel,look, revitalized and above all be free of acne for good by eliminating processed food from your diet and include foods that nourish and build your body.
Category: Articles | Added by: forex_s (2010-01-25)
Views: 213 | Rating: 0.0/0
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