If you think that you could write an electronic book or an eBook for short, then you must be wondering on how you can distribute it in the very best way possible. This may look so simple but really hard to achieve. Creating a website is the best way to distribute downloadable eBook to the people. In this way, you can directly distribute it to them. Reading, as we all know, is the simplest way for people to derive as well as acquire information to gain certain knowledge about something. Well, books today have evolved into the digital world where more people can have the capability to buy, or simply download them for free from the World Wide Web. EBooks are well preserved in the internet and many people find it simple to order and purchase them online. Following are few key steps in creating a website with your eBook on it. You will find them helpful in distributing well your eBook and promoting your website as well. First is to create and develop your own website. You will need to think and decide whether you are going to join a free website online or pay for one hosted website. Experts and some experienced internet people will advise you to join or pay for one hosted website than joining a free one. It is because, free websites can be suspicious and they charge for their services too so it is not that free at all. However, if you don’t have the budget to pay a hosted website and you decided to just use free website hosting, then do it through the Google site services. You can ensure good service from this Google sites. Next is to secure your domain address. You can purchase a “.com” domain name for your website for just $10 a year. Even though you have chosen to use free website, you can also attach there your custom domain address. If your idea is to sell your downloadable eBook, then you should definitely bypass this step because the direct domain address will give your eBook certain validity and there is really no way around it. Another is to create and develop a dedicated page on your own website for your eBook. On this page, you should include even a short 300 to 400 words from your eBook and of course a short summary of your eBook as well. You should explain why your eBook is necessary and can be helpful for your visitor. Furthermore, include the link for downloading the file. Ensure that the file is in .pdf or .doc so that it will be available to a very wide audience. Then, sell your eBook. You can do outsourcing and if you don’t want the idea of outsourcing, you can always open up an account on PayPal and integrate it well on your website. You should also market your downloadable eBook. Try to find people who are really in need of your eBook content. You can find blogs and forums that discuss your eBook topic as well as contribute meaningful discussion post. |