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Five Things You Do To Build A Professional Twitter Page

Top five Stuff You Do To Have Tons Of followers On Twitter

You must know your desired outcome of your Twitter page The primary purpose of your twitter to make money? Now if your sole purpose of a Twitter page is to create friends then I will honest this article is no for you.

For creating income your Twitter account needs to get followers to come to your personal website. Some Twitter experts advice to lead twitter friends to a landing page I disagree on the grounds that it to strong of a sale.

If you want a use twitter for personal and for business then I highly recommend having separate Twitter accounts.

Follow these 5 tips for a business twitter page.

Step One Use a business design

Everyone uses the same default backgrounds it is important to stand apart from the other millions of Twitter users. The goal is to look professional. Someone visits you want them to think well of your professional design. A useful free source to make custom background is twittbacks dot com

Step 2 Nice picture of YOU.

You want people to connect with you from your picture. By posting your face shot it is a way for others to feel like they know and trust you. You photo needs to be well planned you want others to look at it and feel like they want to get to know you.Now is not the time to get a Sears Portrait! Rather you want a personal fun photo think L.A.

Step three Do something amazing by putting up a phone number

I can hear you screaming now about the phone number just do it. Prehaps the idea that anyone could call you scares you. From experience by putting a business phone on your site you will see a sharp increase in sales. My recommondations would be to offer a free Skype number at the very least.In the on line world a phone number is rare and therefore seen as established and trusting. Place you business line on your Twitter background since Twitter does not allowy phone numbers on the page.

Step 4 Display your Contact Email

As simple as this may sound I am always surprised at how many people do not list their business email address. So might be worried about receiving email spam not to threat. Begin by using a yahoo email they seem to have a pretty good spam filter. Now make your email impossible for automated spammer bots to read it by replacing @ with at. Finally, twitter will not allow you to put a email so place it on your background next to your phone number.

Number Five. Good Tweets

Know your audience well and deliver them content accordingly plus this should tie directly to your Twitter business image. Litmus test is to ask yourself if your followers would find your tweets engaging and entertaining.

As a general rule tweet four interesting tweets to one tweet that takes followers to a free offer in which they sign up.

Tweet on a regular bases once to three times per day maximum. You want to stay in front of your followers but don't over due it. Avoid tweeting like a spammer with many tweets in a day.

Category: Articles | Added by: forex_s (2009-12-17)
Views: 173 | Rating: 0.0/0
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