There are a number of pitfalls to watch out for when you paint. Bleeding. Bleeding usually occurs on exterior surfaces when a stain already on the surface bleeds through the new paint. Inside, too, problems can arise, as when children use crayons or permanent ink on walls. You may paint the area a dozen times, but the marks always bleed through. (Try spraying them with shellac first.) Blistering. Blistering occurs when you paint over a surface that is wet. For example, when you are painting outdoors over rotted wood or on a misty day, the moisture gets underneath the surface of the paint and lifts it up. Blistering usually occurs soon after painting. Be sure the surface is dry before you paint. Chalking and Fading. Chalking and fading may simply be the result of the aging process of the paint. If it's excessive, however, it could indicate an underlying water problem. The subsurface could be wet. You will need to dig down into the subsurface to determine where the moisture is coming from and then put up a barrier. Nail Popping. This occurs most often on sheet rock where the nail pops up, causing a protrusion in the paint, although it can occur on any surface. It might simply be that the nail was never properly ham¬mered down. However, if rust marks show through, there is moisture in the wood from which the nail protrudes. You will probably have to get into the wall to determine where the moisture is coming from and then resolve the problem. Wrinkling. Wrinkling is usually an outdoor problem caused by putting on too much paint or painting on a hot day. Wrinkling can also occur if the previous coat (or primer) was not completely dry. Whatever the cause, you will need to strip the paint off and start over—a good reason to be extra careful! Paint will get on you no matter how careful you try to be. Rub on a lotion or petroleum jelly before you start. It will help keep the paint from sticking and make cleanup easier. You might also want to know how to repair stairs and how to repair a dryer. |