Debt consolidation student loans mean taking another loan for paying existing loans. This is done to avail lower interest rates commonly. It is mainly moving from the unsecured loans to the secured ones. The basic idea behind all this is that you can make use of an asset as collateral to avail lower interest rates. The loan thus taken will be secured against the asset. In many cases, the consolidation firm will offer a discount in the loan amount. This happens mostly when the debtor is in danger of bankruptcy. You must select the consolidating firm carefully to avail these benefits. Making a sensible decision can fetch you some additional savings too. Debt consolidation student loans can offer the customers with great interest debt balances. If your choice of the consolidation firm is poor, they make take undue advantage from this by charging high fees in the consolidation loan. At times, these charges are close to the maximum mortgage fees. Some dishonest companies will knowingly create situation by which the clients are left with no option other than refinancing. If the client is refusing the offer to get refinancing, the asset given as collateral will be lost forever. This will make them pay any charges asked by the firm for completing the debt consolidation student loans. These practices will at most times leave the client with no time to go for another lender. The practice is commonly known as predatory lending. Most of the debt consolidation transactions will not involve the practice of predatory lending. The educational loans offered by the government are the best ones to opt for as you can close all the existing educational loans you have via the debt consolidation student loans with the help of the loan consolidation firm or the Educational Department. However, all this depends on the type of educational loan you have in credit. The interest rates in the government offerings will be less and will depend on the annual loan rate. After you get your educational loans re-consolidated, you will have to make the payment of the fixed interest rate. This rate will be dependent on the present interest rate. However, you must be aware that the consolidation of the educational loan will not help you in changing the rates. You may find it more effective to combine different types of loans with different interest rates. This combination can make the debt consolidation student loans effective in terms of interest rates, installment amounts and payment periods. |